Trainee Funding

Ministry of Health-CIP Award

The Ministry of Health (MOH) awarded the University of Toronto with 14 funded positions for candidates planning to apply to CIP for the 2025-26 academic year. The competition deadline for applications will be January 14, 2025.  The funding is distributed through Post Graduate Medical Education and is intended to provide one year of support at the appropriate PGY level for the two-year Clinician Investigator Program.  The second year of funding is typically found through research grants or Departmental funding.  The Ministry reissues this funding annually.

Click here for further details on MOH-CIP Award and for printable version of the Application Checklist.

Internal Sources of Funding to the University of Toronto

CIP trainees receive salary support via sources internal to the University of Toronto and via competitive external salary awards. Funding of CIP trainees is the responsibility of Clinical Departments. Residents should contact their Department to learn more about research training and funding opportunities.

Clinical Departments fund CIP trainees via:

Clinician scientist programs internal to their departments e.g. Surgeon Scientist Training Program, Department of Medicine Clinician Scientist Program, Department of Psychiatry Clinician Scientist Program etc.

Links to these and other relevant programs are as follows:

Department of Anaesthesia, University of Toronto – Clinician Investigator Program

Department of Medicine, University of Toronto – Clinician Scientist Training Program

Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto – Clinician Scientist Program

Department of Surgery, University of Toronto – Surgeon Scientist Training Program

Department of Paediatrics – Research* (Paediatrics trainees should first contact their Program Director). The Hospital for Sick Children funds a Clinician Scientist Training Program (for doctoral-level clinicians) and a graduate scholarship called Restracomp (for Master’s-level clinicians) via its Research Training Centre. This program, however, is not accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Paediatric residents are also eligible to apply to the Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program. Links to these programs are:

CIP trainees are encouraged to apply for external salary awards to support their research training.