The CIP has an open door policy; CIP trainees are strongly encouraged to seek help should any troubling issues arise with their CIP training.
CIP trainees may address appeal-related concerns to the CIP Director or any member of the CIP Committee. CIP Committee members should make concerns known to the CIP Director at the earliest possible time. The Director will meet with the trainee and will address the issue in question in collaboration with the relevant graduate or clinical department. Each participating graduate unit and clinical department has an existing internal appeal process. In the CIP, the CIP Committee serves as the appeals committee and is responsible for helping to resolve potential appeals, harassment and intimidation cases. If the issue cannot be resolved by the CIP Committee, graduate unit or clinical department, the case will be brought to the next level of the Faculty of Medicine: Postgraduate Medical Education, and/or the School of Graduate Studies and subsequently, the University of Toronto Governing Council. Click on their links to view the appeals procedures in Postgraduate Medical Education, the School of Graduate Studies and the Governing Council.