Completion of the CIP

Successful completion of the Clinician Investigator Program includes completion of the appropriate postgraduate specialty/subspecialty PLUS completion of all research component requirements. The CIP Office will require notification by the graduate unit and/or research supervisor of completion of the graduate degree. After the CIP Competence Committee reviews the trainee’s file and approves the completion, the CIP Director will complete an “Attestation of Completion of the Research Component of CIP” which will be forwarded to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons via the Vice-Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education office.

What the CIP Competence Committee will review (research component requirements):

  • Completion of CIP curriculum requirements:
    • attend a minimum of 8 CIP seminars including participation as an organizer and facilitator of a minimum of one CIP seminar
    • attend each annual CIP symposium while in the active research phase (a minimum of two meetings)
    • Completion of the two Patient Engagement PORCCH modules
    • In-Training Evaluation Reports (ITERs) must be up-to date and according to schedule: every six months on POWER for the first two years, then once a year starting in the third year of a PhD. Postdoctoral Fellows and Master’s students continue to fill out ITERs every six months until completion of the research project.

Completion Checklist:

  • Thesis defense date
  • Final title of thesis
  • Program Advisory Committee members and their roles
  • Complete and submit a CIP Final Evaluation Form at the end of research training
  • Complete and submit a CIP Annual Survey Evaluation Survey 
  • Current CV incl. list of abstracts, conferences attended, awards received, and peer-reviewed publications
  • Presentation of research at a local, national or international meeting
  • Proof of successful examination and course completion (verification from graduate unit that degree was successfully obtained by trainee)

Completion of a graduate degree does not automatically ensure completion of the CIP research component. Your graduate degree program must be consistent with the standards and objectives of the Clinician Investigator Program, as determined by the CIP Committee.

Trainees who successfully complete the CIP will receive a certificate from PGME and, following completion of their postgraduate specialty, from the RCPSC.